In 2015 the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), the Resuscitation Council (UK) and the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) reviewed the latest research and evidence in resuscitation and released updated guidelines.
In addition to this, for the very first time, the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) also produced guidelines for first aid these include new advice on bleeding.
Control of Bleeding:
• Elevation is no longer recommended for the treatment of bleeding as there is no evidence that this does actually reduce bleeding.
• Indirect pressure is not recommended as there is no evidence that this helps control serious bleeding, it also very difficult to do – direct pressure is recommended.
• Haemostatic dressings and tourniquets are to be used in catastrophic bleeding when direct pressure does not control blood loss.
FTT teach Control of Catastrophic Bleeding as an add on to Emergency First Aid at Work and First Aid at Work courses. It is also a vital part of our Forestry + F first aid training.
We have recently purchased some newly available training aids to assist with control of catastrophic bleed training.